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Digital Music Album

Oasis songs for a thirsty soul album cover image.

Oasis - Songs for the Thirsty Soul

Oasis is a new series of custom designed albums for people needing a particular kind of inspiration. This new Oasis Hymns for the Thirsty Soul is designed for anyone and everyone. In this strictly instrumental album, Ken has taken familiar hymns and arranged them in an easy listening style.

The inspiration for this album is a deeply personal one. Many of you know Beverly, Ken's Road Manager. Bev's Dad was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and was given weeks to live. This retired lay-preacher who had been a Christian all his life and loved to sing traditional hymns, even lead hymn sings in his earlier life, was now stricken with the terminal diagnosis and was confined to bed most of the time. As a special gift Ken made a recording of her Dad's favorite hymns. The family made them available, free of charge, to anyone who wanted them. It was one way Dad could still tell people about his faith.

Dad died on August 24, 2009. It was wonderful to be able to give Dad a bit of comfort during the last weeks of his life but also a joy to others who listened.

These songs will be a comfort to those folks who miss hearing the hymns they grew up with. It can also be a comfort to those in nursing homes or are confined to their own homes. It is my hope that it can bring hope and solace those who thirsty.

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Grandville, Michigan, 49418

 (616) 534-6571 / (888) 536-5365

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